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5月10日第三届BEYOND国际科技创新博览会(BEYOND Expo 2023)在澳门威尼斯人金光会展中心举行。BEYOND Expo已经成功举办两届,目前已是亚洲最具规模和影响力的国际科技博览会之一,累计招募展商800家,500余位商界创新领袖成为大会演讲嘉宾,现场观众累计超过5.5万人,举办行业论坛150余场,成功诠释国际化的科技交流平台。

On May 10, 2023, BEYOND Expo 2023 opens at the Venetian Macao Convention and Exhibition Centre, Macao. After two successful sessions, BEYOND Expo has already become one of the largest and most influential international technology exhibitions in Asia, and it has received an accumulated number of 800 exhibitors. More than 500 innovation leaders in the business circle will become the guest speakers of this event. The number of audiences presented at the venue is expected to exceed 55,000. Also, over 150 industry forums will be held, successfully showcasing this expo as an international platform for technological exchanges.

本次展会作为23年粤港澳大湾区的顶级科技活动,阿里巴巴、华为、科大讯飞等众多科技巨头企业也将在活动中展现最新的技术及科技应用。其中刚结束讯飞星火认知大模型发布会不久的科大讯飞,在发布会后首个工作日迎来了股票涨停,在本次BEYOND活动中讯飞为大会提供全程多语种同传服务,产品方面除带了翻译机、录音笔、麦克风等王牌智能硬件外,还带来了大模型应用产品讯飞AI学习机、软件产品“讯飞听见会写”,以及“会写”关联的讯飞智能麦克风M2,并宣布讯飞听见智慧屏 (畅享版)于澳门BEYOND科技博览会正式发布,作为一款“会纪录的智慧屏”,新款产品包含三大功能升级:白板书写、原生云会议、无线投屏,以及四项应用性能创新:外源影音实时转译、多语种翻译、声纹角色分离、多应用协作。后续将搭载讯飞星火认知大模型的“会写”功能提炼会议纪要,成为智慧办公室效率提升的智慧终端。目前,产品具有65、86两款尺寸。

This Expo is a top technology event in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area for the year 2023. A great many of technology giants like Huawei and iFlytek will showcase their latest outcomes and technological applications in this event. Soon after the product launch of SparkDesk, a large language model, iFlytek embraced a stock limit-up on the first working day. In this BEYOND Expo, iFLYTEK provided multilingual simultaneous interpretation services throughout the conference,and brings not only its signature products like translating machine, recording pen, and microphone but also a large model application of iFlytek AI learning machine, a software product of “iFLYREC AI Writer”, and “AI Writer” associated iFlytek Smart Omnidirectional Microphone M2. Furthermore. It was also announced that the iFLYTREC Hub (Enjoyment Edition) was officially released at the BEYOND Technology Expo in Macau. As a "smart screen that can record", the new product includes three major function upgrades: whiteboard writing, native cloud conferencing, wireless projection screen, and four application performance innovations: real-time translation of external audio and video, multilingual translation, voiceprint role separation, and multi-application collaboration.In the future, it will be equipped with the "writing" function of the iFLYTEK Spark Cognitive Model to refine the minutes of the meeting and become a smart terminal to improve the efficiency of the smart office.At present, the product has two sizes of 65 and 86.


(Photo: Wang Wei, VP of iFlytek, introduced “iFLYREC AI Writer” at the product launch press conference. It will be provided after commencement of the activity.)

(图:讯飞听见同传 语音播报服务)

(Photo:iFLYREC Simultaneous Interpretation Voice Broadcast Service)


Experiencing AI Script Writing on the Spot, the Journalists Got the Headline News


As a technological application product related to GPT in China, iFLYREC AI Writer, an intelligent web-page application, has attracted wide attention. The capability of iFLYREC AI Writer for “AI Generating a Well-structured Script of Meeting Minutes with a Single Click” amazed the journalists at the product launch. This product benefits the improvement of the content production efficiency of media specialists and facilitates universally applicable workplace communication. iFLYREC AI Writer automatically generates meeting minutes, work agency, and work plans based on the AI analysis of the contents of audio files, and supports AI dialogs and content traceability based on the source text. Soon after Liu Qingfeng, Chairman of iFlytek, introduced the large language model at the product launch on May 6, iFLYREC AI Writer wrote a newsletter immediately.

(图:使用讯飞听见会写 为讯飞发布会写的新闻稿件)

(Figure: A newsletter from iFLYREC AI Writer for the product launch of iFlytek)


At BEYOND Expo 2023, some journalists indicates, “We have the headline news for today’s activity!” after experiencing the function of “Generation of A Script with a Single Click” provided by iFLYREC AI Writer on the spot.


Focusing on the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, iFLYREC enables the barrier-free communication between the Greater Bay Area and the Chinese Mainland with AI


English and Cantonese are the common languages used in Macao, while Chinese Mandarin is mainly used in the Chinese mainland. This shows different language habits in different regions. With the continual development of economy and culture, the communication and cooperation between Hong Kong, Macao and Chinese mainland has been further deepened, and barrier-free communication becomes a key bridge that enables a better understanding. As a well-known AI and voice enterprise in the Asia-Pacific Region, iFlytek has been dedicated to fostering multilingual barrier-free communication for many years.


As a benchmarking application of voice transcription and translation of iFlytek, iFLYREC APP has already attracted 55 million users. The APP supports transcription and translation services for Cantonese and more than ten other languages. During the National People’s Congress and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference in 2023, iFLYREC APP was applied by media like Ta Kung Pao to record the conference highlights efficiently and generate scripts more quickly. At the same time, iFLYREC Subtitling can be applied to add AI subtitles to Cantonese videos instead of the labor-consuming manual subtitling and time-coding. Therefore, the news express becomes more efficient. 


As a necessary screen translation service for top summits, iFLYREC Simultaneous Interpretation provides users with simultaneous interpretation services for 9 languages at the client end. Also, this function supports the compatibility with a variety of remote video conference software and the real-time bilingual subtitle translation in conference communication so that multilingual barrier-free communication can be realized during in-person conferences and teleconferencing. iFLYREC Simultaneous Interpretation has provided simultaneous translation services for Macao Polytechnic University, Fuhong Society of Macau, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and HKSTP.


(Photo: English-Chinese translation by iFLYREC Simultaneous Interpretation at the a foreign language academic lecture held by Macao Polytechnic University)

(图:香港理工大学 陈贝儿分享《无穷之路》,讯飞听见同传粤语字幕)

(Photo: Cantonese subtitles by iFLYREC Simultaneous Interpretation for the story-sharing of No Poverty Land, by Chen Bei’er from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.)


Seeing the layout of global business in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, iFLYREC is determined to further globalize its software

讯飞听见相关负责人表示,讯飞目前在国际化业务发展速度较快,除BEYOND活动外讯飞成为了国际赛事标配的语音转写、翻译类供应商,包含北京冬奥会、成都国际世乒赛,以及7月份即将举行的成都国际大学生运动会等。让无障碍交流、赛事沟通办公效率提升作为中国AI企业的名片。C端市场布局上,早在2021年讯飞听见APP日本版“Voiter Notes”已经在日本应用市场上架,支持日英转写服务,开拓了中国AI企业出海海外的先例。

According to relevant officer in charge of iFLYREC, iFlytek has accelerated its expansion of international business. In addition to BEYOND Expo 2023, iFlytek has become a standard voice transcription and translation supplier for international competitions, including Beijing Winter Olympics, World Team Table Tennis Championships Finals Chengdu, and Chengdu 2021 FISU World University Games (scheduled in July this year). It is expected that barrier-free communication and higher communication and work efficiency in competitions will become a business name card of Chinese AI enterprise. As for the layout in the customer market, “Voiter Notes”, the Japanese version of iFLYREC APP, has already been launched in the application market of Japan as early as 2021. This product supports Japanese-English transcription services, and has created a precedent for Chinese AI enterprises to go global.


The BEYOND EXPO 2023 is still ongoing, and we expect more Chinese enterprises to refresh their business name cards in the world with their technological power.

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